Een afkeuring van de
Issuer, dat de debit- of creditcard voor het bedrag bij de
Merchant niet gebruikt mag worden.
De meeste PSP's maken van de decline codes van de verschillende acquirers een vereenvoudigde versie voor de merchant. Dit is voor de hanteerbaarheid een zegen.
In sommige situaties (bijvoorbeeld risico en fraude) is het denkbaar om toch de oorspronkelijke decline codes te gebruiken in business rules. De PSP moet die uitgebreide decline codes dan wel ondersteunen.
De decline codes van MasterCard en van Visa zijn verschillend.
De decline codes volgens ISO 8583:
"00" => "Approved"
"01" => "Refer to issuer"
"02" => "Refer to issuer (special)"
"03" => "Invalid merchant"
"04" => "Pick up card"
"05" => "Do not honor"
"06" => "Error"
"07" => "Pick up card (special)"
"08" => "Honor with identification"
"09" => "Request in progress"
"10" => "Approved for partial amount"
"11" => "VIP Approval"
"12" => "Invalid transaction"
"13" => "Invalid amount"
"14" => "Card number does not exist"
"15" => "No such issuer"
"16" => "Approved, update track 3"
"17" => "Customer cancellation"
"18" => "Customer dispute"
"19" => "Re-enter transaction"
"20" => "Invalid response"
"21" => "No action taken (no match)"
"22" => "Suspected malfunction"
"23" => "Unacceptable transaction fee"
"24" => "File update not supported by receiver"
"25" => "Unable to locate record"
"26" => "Duplicate file update record"
"27" => "File update field edit error"
"28" => "File temporarily unavailable"
"29" => "File update not successful"
"30" => "Format error"
"31" => "Issuer sign-off"
"32" => "Completed partially"
"33" => "Expired card"
"34" => "Suspected fraud"
"35" => "Card acceptor contact acquirer"
"36" => "Restricted card"
"37" => "Card acceptor call acquirer"
"38" => "Allowable PIN tries exceeded"
"39" => "No credit account"
"40" => "Function not supported"
"41" => "Pick up card (lost card)"
"42" => "No universal account"
"43" => "Pick up card (stolen card)"
"44" => "No investment account"
"51" => "Not sufficient funds"
"52" => "No checking account"
"53" => "No savings account"
"54" => "Expired card"
"55" => "Incorrect PIN"
"56" => "No card record"
"57" => "Transaction not permitted to card"
"58" => "Transaction not permitted to card"
"59" => "Suspected fraud"
"60" => "Card acceptor contact acquirer"
"61" => "Exceeds withdrawal limit"
"62" => "Restricted card"
"63" => "Security violation"
"64" => "Original amount incorrect"
"65" => "Activity count exceeded"
"66" => "Card acceptor call acquirer"
"67" => "Card pick up at ATM"
"68" => "Response received too late"
"75" => "Too many wrong PIN tries"
"76" => "Previous message not found"
"77" => "Data does not match original message"
"80" => "Invalid date"
"81" => "Cryptographic error in PIN"
"82" => "Incorrect CVV"
"83" => "Unable to verify PIN"
"84" => "Invalid authorization life cycle"
"85" => "No reason to decline"
"86" => "PIN validation not possible"
"88" => "Cryptographic failure"
"89" => "Authentication failure"
"90" => "Cutoff is in process"
"91" => "Issuer or switch inoperative"
"92" => "No routing path"
"93" => "Violation of law"
"94" => "Duplicate transmission"
"95" => "Reconcile error"
"96" => "System malfunction"
"XA" => "Forward to issuer"
"XD" => "Forward to issuer"
Training creditcards
Heights verzorgt een training die op alle aspecten van de acceptatie van creditcards ingaat. Met deze training krijgt u naast de theorie hoofdzakelijk praktische, direct toepasbare kennis overgedragen. U bent na deze training in staat om de creditcards op een veilige en verantwoorde manier in te zetten in uw bedrijf om uw conversie te verhogen en de kosten te verlagen. Meer informatie over de training creditcards.